
A Publication of WTVP

Prepping for a job interview can be nerve-racking—not just if you’re an interviewee, but also if you’re the interviewer. Most of us feel the stress associated with being interviewed for a job, but interviewers face pressure, too.

The most valuable assets of any organization with a purpose—whether it’s for-profit or not-for-profit—are its people, and that’s why hiring is so important. When screening candidates who may become part of your work culture, however, there are important criteria that simply may not occur to you. But when it comes to a nonprofit’s leadership, the stakes are even higher.

In any position, from CEO to openings in fundraising and development, you’ll want candidates whose purpose and values match those of an organization’s, and its available roles. However, there are specific questions to ask for leadership roles. Specifics matter.

Here are some of the questions interviewers will want to ask leadership candidates—and why they’re important:

Brian Mohr is co-founder and managing partner for Y Scouts, a purpose-based leadership search firm that unites exceptional organizations with exceptional leaders. For more information, visit
