
A Publication of WTVP

Globalization has created a fiercely competitive environment for domestic manufacturers. U.S. producers have led the world in most measures that matter for the past 50 years, but the rising productivity requirements and customer demands in the global marketplace stress this foundation of our economy. Manufacturing strategies that worked for the past 50 years will not be sufficient to win in a 2015 global economy.

Illinois manufacturers can compete and win IF they implement Next Generation Manufacturing strategies today:

Customer-Focused Innovation
Develops, makes and markets new customer solutions at a pace faster than the competition.

Advanced Talent Management
Secures a competitive performance advantage by having superior systems in place to recruit, hire, develop and retain talent.

Systematic Process Improvement
Records annual productivity, quality and customer-satisfaction gains that exceed the competition.

Extended Enterprise/Supply Chain Management
Manages a network of suppliers/partners that beats the competition by providing greater flexibility, faster response times and lower costs.

“Sustainable” Product Development
Designs and implements waste and energy-use reductions at a level that provides superior cost performance and customer value.

Global Engagement
Secures business advantages by engaging global markets and talents better than the competition.

Our vision for 2015 Illinois (and America) is to build a manufacturing sector that is more productive and innovative than the rest of the world. That vision will be accomplished by accelerating the adoption of Next Generation Manufacturing strategies.

President Obama has proposed a domestic agenda to spur innovation while boosting manufacturing. Now it’s time for the state of Illinois to do its part to provide manufacturers needed access to a broader range of capabilities in order to continue to grow, add jobs, develop new technologies and transition those technologies to the marketplace. iBi
