
A Publication of WTVP

Which are you more likely to believe: a company representative telling you how great their product or service is, or a recommendation from another person about how it worked for them? If you’re like most people, the words from a fellow consumer pull more weight than even the best written ad copy. That’s why no matter what product or service you’re selling, you need to use testimonials from satisfied customers in every ad and marketing piece you create.

One of the main reasons why people don’t buy something is that they’re fearful of making the wrong decision. So when they see that a product or service is endorsed by someone else—someone in their same situation—that fear is minimized. Therefore, testimonials are a great way of influencing others to feel comfortable about buying your products or services.

Unfortunately, few business professionals actively seek out testimonials from their customers and clients. They mistakenly wait for people to give them testimonials, and when they do get them, they don’t know how to use them effectively. In reality, getting and using a list of strong testimonials is easier than you think. The following tips will help you get testimonials to increase your profits.

How to Get Them

How to Write Them

How to Use Them

The Ultimate Sales Tool

The next time you’re writing copy for an advertisement or marketing piece (and struggling with what information to include) simply go to your past testimonials. It’s always better when someone else sings your praises, so let your customer sell for you. The sooner you start using testimonials in every marketing message you create, the sooner you’ll realize that testimonials really are the ultimate sales tool.

Pam Lontos is President of Pam Lontos Consulting, founder of PR/PR Public Relations, and a past vice president of sales for Disney’s Shamrock Broadcasting. For more information, visit
